- Online Entries close at Midnight 1 October 2018
- Drop off Entries – George : ASWD Office 044 873 0023
- Knysna : Moses Gericke 082 763 7974
- Mossel Bay : Maryke Sass 082 568 5490
- Oudtshoorn : David McKinnon 082 374 8632
- Late Entries : Friday 5 October 2018 between 14:00 – 21:00 – Will attract a R20 premium to advertised entry fee. NO ENTRIES ON RACE DAY (Apart from Fun Run)
- General : Successful online Entries will be confirmed by email. NO ENTRY SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE ALLOWED. NO UP OR DOWN GRADE ALLOWED. 3.5km Fun Run entries on race day.
- 10km / 21.1km / 42.2km : Friday 5 October 2018 between 14:00 – 21:00
- Fun Run / 10km / 21.1km / 42.2km : Saturday 6 October 2018 between 05:30 – 06:50
Race Timing & Results:
A timing chip will be made available, on a loan basis, to all participants apart from ASWD Licensed athletes who are to use their current personalised chips. The chip is to be worn o your shoe for the duration of the event. The loan chips are to be handed back at the end of the race iin exchange for a medal. Participants will be held responsible for lost or damaged chips or those not handed back as required. It remains your responsibility to return the chip to the race organizer even in the event of not completing the race.
ASWD Licensed athlete take note: Forget your chip – you will have to pay R20 to loan one for the race. Lost your chip – you will have to pay R75 for a replacement chip.
Results will be available on http://www.aswd.co.za/results/
Tog Bags:
Your Tog Bag will be marked with a special numbered label and you will receive a corresponding numbered receipt. Store it safely on your person. Tog Bags must be collected before 14:00 or they will be treated as lost property. However, runners are advised not to leave expensive or valuable items in their bags as the organizers cannot accept responsibility for any losses. Tog Bags are stored in the Tog Bag facility at the bag owner’s own risk.
- Parking, ablution and showers available at Santos Caravan Park
- First Aid will be available at the start, on the route and at the finish area
- Medical tent available at the Finish Line with physiotherapists in attendance.
- Please support the Food Stalls and Beer Garden on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning – all in aid of local Charities
Prize Money & Handouts
Equal prize money for male and female athletes. All prize and category prize winners must provide the organizers with proof of identity to verify their ages. The 42.2km prizes and category winners will be paid once the drug tests results have been received and subject to clearance.
Athletes are responsible to collect their own prize money or make an alternative written arrangement with the Event Organizer. Failing which prize money is forfeited. (ASA Rule 2.10)
- Drug Testing : Random drug testing, under the auspices of the Institute of Drug Free Sport and Athletics South Africa will be conducted.
- Club Colours : Athletes must participate in their correct club colours and display the ASA 2018 Licence numbers on the front and back of the vest. No advertising allowed.
- Race Numbers : will be provided and be displayed on the front and back of the vest, by placing these over permanent or temp no./s in a manner that ASA licence Sponsor and ASA Province / Year is visible above the race number. ASA Rule 21.1.6
- Foreigners : All international athletes must apply for clearance from ASA and proof of clearance must be attached to entry forms. International runners, particularly those who hope to win any prize, should note that in order for them to take part in the event, they need written approval (Permit) from their own athletics federation. The permit should be submitted to the organizers prior to the event attached to their entry form or latest at Race Registration (IAAF Rule 142.2) International runners must supply a copy of their passport at Registration in order to verify their age. When an International runner is entered through a South African club, it is the responsibility of their club to ensure that the permit for the runners is obtained, and to hand it over to the race organizers prior to the event at Race Registration.
- Age Tags : Participants will be eligible for prizes in the OPEN category for which they have entered provided the relevant official ASWD age category tag or junior tags is displayed , visible and above licence number, front and back. Participants may enter the age category with corresponding to their chronological age or younger category down to senior. (Red age tag / White background (ASA Rule 22.9)