ASWD 10km Championships


Athletics SWD recently held their provincial 10km Championships in conjunction with the annual Diaz 10km road race that was held on 7 February 2015. (10.350km)

See herewith the various category winners:

Godwin Heyns Nedbank RC 35.26 Marrida Leen Mossel Bay Harriers 40.42
Allentino Kleynhans Mossel Bay Harriers 35.37 McNita Samuels Knysna MC 44.56
Bradley Carelse Nedbank RC 38.20 Clarisha Pieterse Mossel Bay Harriers 45.49

Elfonso Pieterse Nedbank RC 34.40 Cecilia Nel Hartenbos Drawwers 41.47
Julius Korkee Nedbank RC 35.00

40 – 49
Aubrey Brinkhuis Knysna MC 39.34 Lana Theunissen Nedbank RC 42.17
Peter Jaehne Outeniqua Harriers 39.37 Renee Moll Nedbank RC 43.47
Anton Chevalier Nedbank RC 40.38 Elize Kloppers Hartenbos Drawwers 46.48

50 – 59
Selwyn Losper Mossel Bay Harriers 36.59 Rina Wray Hartenbos Drawwers 50.28
Hermanus Jonkerman Nedbank RC 40.29 Elsa De Villiers Hartenbos Drawwers 53.38
Cornelius Bewee Sedgefield Striders 44.15 Delmarie Henning Hartenbos Drawwers 59.08

Jan Du Toit Hartenbos Drawwers 50.13 Rea Oosthuizen Hartenbos Drawwers 53.05
Leslie Stuart Knysna MC 53.47 Mariet Horn Knysna MC 1:00.25
Lampies Lamprecht Nedbank RC 55.56 Esther Oosthuizen Hartenbos Drawwers 1:00.26

For more information please feel free to contact me at the ASWD Office 044-8730023.

Photo attached – Elfonso Pieterse (

The end

(Athletics SWD – General Manager)

Tel: 044-8730023
Fax: 086 716 4610


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+27 (44) 873 0023
98 Meade Street, George, 6530

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