Online – www.entrytime.com
By Hand : Avis van Rental, Tamsui Industria, George ; Sportscentre, York Street ,Eden Meander Mall and Top Gear Sport, George.
REGISTRATION : Pre-Entries close 25 April 2018. Late entries will be accepted on 30 April 2018 from 09:00 till 12:00 at Avis van Rental, Tamsui Industria, George.
Race day entries available – Late entrants will pay R10 premium on advertised entry fees
Start & Finish: Tramonto, Farm and Fellow Restuarant and Guesthouse, Geelhoutboom,George.
ASWD Licensed Athlete take note: Forget your IPICO chip – you will have to pay R20 to loan one for the race. Lost your chip – you will have to pay R75 for a replacement chip
Prize Giving : Athletes are responsible to collect their own prize money or make an alternative arrangement with the Event Organizers. Failing which the money is forfeited. (ASA Rule 2.10)
Accomudation : Farm and fellow Guesthouse 044 870 7150